If you owe fines, penalties or fees to the Office of Motor Vehicles and have met the requirements for the outstanding violations, then you are eligible to enter into an installment plan.
Eligibility Requirements
- Must have a valid email address
- Compliance and requirements for all outstanding violations
- Compliance includes but is not limited to a bill of sale, insurance total loss statement, repossession document, junk or salvage receipt, out-of-state registration, paid receipt for a traffic citation
- Must hold a Class A, B, C, D or E Louisiana driver's license
- If the license is suspended, you must have served your suspension time or you must be eligible for and obtain a hardship license
- Must have a credit, debit, prepaid card, or bank account draft (ACH)
- When using a bank account draft, you must provide the bank name, bank account type, account number, and routing number
- Companies/businesses cannot enter into an installment plan
How to Enter A Plan
- Call the OMV Call Center at (225) 925-6146 and select option 3. You cannot enter an installment plan online.
- You will be required to sign a contract online to be in the installment plan.
- Contacts are signed electronically and will require you to have access to the email address provided and the internet to complete the contract and sign while you are on the phone with the OMV operator.
- If you are not the individual who needs to get into the installment plan, you will need an original power of attorney that specifically authorizes the agent to enter into an installment plan and conduct financial transactions with the Office of Motor Vehicles. An original Power of Attorney must be mailed to and received at the OMV before an installment plan can be completed.
- Visit offices.omv.la.gov to view a list of Public Tag Agents that can process installment plans. Search by office service and select "Installments"
- Update payment information in the customer portal when any information changes, such as credit card/debit card number, bank account number, expiration date, etc.
- Ensure the type of card on file allows for recurring payments (monthly payments) to be auto-drafted (some cards have restrictions placed on them and prevent or limit the number of recurring payments)
- Your account must have enough available funds to cover the withdrawal of both the installment plan fee and the service fee on the 10th day of the month or a $25 late fee will be added for each missed payment.
- Unless six payments are missed, the installment agreement will remain active and the monthly installment payment will continue to be drafted the following month.